Carex secta   Pukio  Makura-002

Carex secta Purei

Found in swampy areas throughout NZ.

Carex solandri-001

Carex solandrii Sedge

Sedge found in damp areas throughout NZ.

Metrosideros umbellata  Southern Rata -001

Metrosideros umbellata Southern rata

Rare in the North Island, found more commonly on the west coast of the South where the rainfall is higher.


Prumnopitys ferruginea Miro

Large growing forest tree found throughout New Zealand. Attractive needle-like foliage.

Prumnopitys Berry

Prumnopitys taxifolia Matai.

Matai resembles miro, growing throughout New Zealand. Slow growing with neatly arranged needle-like foliage.